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Chữ cái C
Communist Manifesto (ˈkɒmjʊnɪst mænɪˈfɛstoʊ )
Communist Party of China (ˈkɒmjʊnɪst pɑrti ʌv ˈʧaɪnə )
cake made of glutinous rice (keɪk meɪd ʌv ˈɡluːtɪnəs raɪs )
cake made of glutinous rice flour dipped in lye (keɪk meɪd ʌv ˈɡluːtɪnəs raɪs flɔr dɪpt ɪn laɪ )
cake made of sweet potato meal (keɪk meɪd ʌv swit pəˈteɪtoʊ miːl )
call a spade a spade (kɔl ə speɪd ə speɪd )
call upon sb to do sth (kɔl əˈpɒn ˈsʌb tu du ˈsʌmθɪŋ )
calorific radiations (kæl.əˈrɪfɪk ˌreɪ.diˈeɪ.ʃənz )